In Conversation with Tom Lardner

Tom Lardner is the creative director and co-founder of PLUS, a London based creative agency whose clients include Soho House, The Ivy and MUJI to name a few.

Tom has had a passion for Japanese denim and clothing for many years, so working with MUJI has been a great honour. He lives in London and is married to Lucy, they have two daughters Kitty and Florence (Florence took these photos of Tom). Tom has never been to Japan but hopes to visit soon. Tom’s hobbies include reading poetry and playing the guitar.


Do you have any daily work rituals that support your work creativity?

My morning walk through Marylebone and Mayfair, it is always relaxing and inspiring.

What's your favourite MUJI item and why?

I have spent most of my adult life looking for the perfect white t-shirt. I think the MUJI organic ones come very close.

How do you dress to feel comfortable?

I hate dressing up / dressing smart. I feel most comfortable in a white t-shirt and jeans. Classic. Basic. Simple.


Men's Thick Jersey Short Sleeve T‐shirt

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Instagram: @plusagencyldn | @mrtomlardner
Photo credit: @florence_lardner

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